A small church with a big heart!
Continue the community at:
July 2, 2023 - The Binding of Isaac, with Communion (5th Sunday of Pentecost).
Abraham and Sarah, Part 3.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. In today's service, we continue reading the Abraham and Sarah saga with a story
often referred to as the "Binding of Isaac" or "Sacrifice of Isaac" (and which in Muslim tradition is the "Binding/Sacrifice of Ishmael"),
and we'll hear Jesus' words about "whoever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones
in the name of a disciple -- truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward".
We will also be celebrating Communion, so please prepare some bread and juice ahead of time.
Join the service live here (or come back later and join the recording). Please note that until the worship service goes live, this window will show an error,
but once we start out live stream the video will show here.
Previous worship services
Note that all worship services are online on our Facebook page
(except for June 11, when we had technical issues).
June 25, 2023 - Casting out of Ishmael and Hagar.
Abraham and Sarah, Part 2.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. This is the second service of three reading through the Abraham and Sarah saga.
In today's worship, Isaac has been born to Sarah and Abraham, and now Sarah feels threatened by the presence of Ishmael (the son of Abraham and Hagar),
so Sarah has the two cast out. But God has other plans!
June 18, 2023 - Sarcastic laughter becomes joyful laughter.
Abraham and Sarah, Part 1.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. This is the first in a series of three worship services and sermons on the Abraham
and Sarah saga from the book of Genesis. We pick up the saga in about it's 30th year, just before Abraham and Sarah have their promised child. In this
story, some angels disguised as men come to the Abraham and Sarah's camp, and while they are there, they announce that Sarah will soon have a child.
Sarah laughs (with sarcasm/scorn) at that suggestion, as they have been hearing it for 30 years and are growing impatient. Sarah is almost 90 years old
at this point! But God is true to the promise, and Sarah has a son, Isaac (which in Hebrew means "laughter" or "he laughs").
April 23, 2023 - The Road to Emmaus (3rd Sunday of Easter)
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. In today's scripture passage, two of Jesus' followers are walking to the village of Emmaus on the afternoon after Jesus' resurrection.
Jesus joins them in the journey, but they don't recognize him until they stop for a meal. When Jesus breaks bread, then their eyes are opened and they recognize him.
Join the service live here (or come back later and join the recording). Please note that until the worship service goes live, this window will show an error,
but once we start out live stream the video will show here.
Plymouth Scrip Cards
Plymouth UCC sells scrip cards to a great number of stores/retailers. We keep cards for Kwik Trip, Festival, Menards, Mega Holiday, and some others on hand, which you can
purchase on Sundays or come to the office during the week. We also have access to a hundred or more other retailers that you can order cards from. To see what cards are available,
please download our scrip order form. To order cards,
please call or email the office with your order. Unfortunately, we cannot process orders online, and we also cannot take credit cards to buy scrip cards - cash and checks only.
Your orders will be delivered to Plymouth, and we will notify you when they come in. Usually it takes about a week.
We livestream our worship services via Facebook and this website!
We livestream our services on our Facebook page and simulcast to this website (see below for links to past worship services; links to future services are usually
posted 2-3 days before the worship service.) Our weekly bulletin is posted here on the website so you can follow along with the hymns, prayers, and readings. you
may find the link within the description of the worship service of any given Sunday, and we also post a link on Facebook. We will continue to livestream worship
in perpetuity, or until some new technology comes along that does even more. So now we can say, with a truly literal meaning, wherever you are on life's journey
you can worship with us! (so long as you have access to the Intenet). Since the worship services are also recorded on Facebook, you do not need to watch the livestream -
you can join us for worshop any time.
Past Worship Services
For our worship services before February, 2022, please go here.
For worship services after that date, please see our Facebook page.
 Our first worship service!
Jesus said to feed the hungry...
...so we feed the hungry
 Quilters' first gathering in new building!
 Lynn at the new piano
Jesus said to welcome all people...
...so we welcome all people
 Moving Day
 Moving Day
Jesus said “Follow me and love your neighbor!”...
...so we follow by loving our neighbors
 Outside cross at night
Join us in our mission to make the world a more loving place!
Our podcast:
Plymouth United Church of Christ
Rev. David J. Huber, Pastor
2010 Moholt Drive
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 54703
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