A small church with a big heart!
March 20 - Third Sunday of Lent
Please download the worship bulletin so that you may follow along
with the responsive prayers and the music. This morning is the second Sunday of Lent. As we enter continue our time in the wilderness journey of Lent, we hear Jesus' parable of the fig tree.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here (please note that until we start the livestream, this window will show an error - that's okay. Nothing wrong
with your system. This window will begin to show the video automatically once we begin the livestream, but depending on your browser and/or computer,
you may need to reload this page to get the video to play.)
February 20 Covid Guidelines
As of February 20, we have restarted our coffee time and snacks before worship, and we are continue to worship in-person, but with less singing, shorter services,
and required masks. We now have KN85 masks available, and also plenty of hand sanitizer. Please join us on Sundays at 10 am for coffee and snacks!
During this time we are not passing the peace with handshakes but with signs of peace; we are also not passing the plate for the offering, nor passing plates for Communion.
We have individual communion sets available for worshipers (and we have them in the office, so if you are joining us on-line, please come in and get some for you
to use at home!)
We wear masks as a way of showing love to our neighbors: to protect those who are not vaccinated, and to protect each other. We will be a mask-supporting
and vaccination-supporting congregation through the pandemic.
Continue the community at:
Subscribe to our e-newsletter
We livestream our worship services via Facebook and this website!
We livestream our services on our Facebook page and simulcast to this website (see below for links to past worship services; links to future services are usually
posted 2-3 days before the worship service.) Our weekly bulletin is posted here on the website so you can follow along with the hymns, prayers, and readings. you
may find the link within the description of the worship service of any given Sunday, and we also post a link on Facebook. We will continue to livestream worship
in perpetuity, or until some new technology comes along that does even more. So now we can say, with a truly literal meaning, wherever you are on life's journey
you can worship with us! (so long as you have access to the Intenet). Since the worship services are also recorded on Facebook, you do not need to watch the livestream -
you can join us for worshop any time.
Weeknight Vesper Services
Pastor David posts a vesper service (evening prayers) on Monday through Thursday nights. They are posted to our Facebook
page by 7 pm (though occasionally technical issues force a different schedule...), and starting June 1, they will also be linked to this website.
March 13 - Second Sunday of Lent
Please download the worship bulletin so that you may follow along
with the responsive prayers and the music. This morning is the second Sunday of Lent. As we enter continue our time in the wilderness journey of Lent, we read
of Jesus' lament over Jerusalem and knowledge of his coming time of testing.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
March 6 - First Sunday of Lent
Please download the worship bulletin so that you may follow along
with the responsive prayers and the music. This morning is the first Sunday of Lent. As we enter into our time in the wilderness journey of Lent, we read
of Jesus' time in the wilderness, when he was tempted by many things but chooses God over all of them. What can we listen to in Jesus' words this morning
to help us choose God over the temptations of life?
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
March 2 - Ash Wednesday
Please download the worship bulletin so that you may follow along
with the responsive prayers and the music. We begin the Lent season with Ash Wednesday, a service of silence and reflection that also comes with imposition of
ashes, reading the Sermon on the Mount, and celebrating Communion.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
February 27 - Epiphany 8: Transfiguration
Please download the worship bulletin so that you may follow along
with the responsive prayers and the music. Join us for worship this morning, the last Sunday of the Epiphany Season which is traditionally called Transfiguration Sunday
when we read the story of when Jesus took a couple disciples to a mountain and while there he was transfigured into Elijah, Moses, and himself.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
February 20 - Epiphany 7: Continuing the Sermon on the Plain
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. We continue in the Sermon on the Plain of Luke's Gospel with some of Jesus' more troubling and
controversial commands that even in 2022 still get people in trouble for
mentioning them. Commands like "love your enemy" and "Lend, expecting nothing in return" and "If anyone strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also."
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
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February 13 - Epiphany 6: Jesus begins the sermon on the plain with blessings and woes
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. In today's scripture passage, Jesus begins his Sermon on the Plain with the beatitudes of blessings and woes.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
February 6 - Epiphany 5: Some men decide to follow Jesus
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. In today's scripture passage, Luke 5:1-11, Jesus tells some fishermen to cast their nets
on the other side of their boats, and they bring in a record haul and then decide to follow Jesus.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
Past Worship Services
For our worship services before February, 2022, please go here.
 Our first worship service!
Jesus said to feed the hungry...
...so we feed the hungry
 Quilters' first gathering in new building!
 Lynn at the new piano
Jesus said to welcome all people...
...so we welcome all people
 Moving Day
 Moving Day
Jesus said “Follow me and love your neighbor!”...
...so we follow by loving our neighbors
 Outside cross at night
Join us in our mission to make the world a more loving place!
Our podcast:
Plymouth United Church of Christ
Rev. David J. Huber, Pastor
2010 Moholt Drive
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 54703
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