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January 30 - Epiphany 4: The crowd reacts to Jesus' words
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. Today we hear what happens after Jesus reads from scripture at his hometown synagogue: a
quite negative response from his neighbors, who try to kill him.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
January 23 - Epiphany 3: Jesus reads from the scroll of Isaiah
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. Today we hear of Jesus reading from scripture at his hometown synagogue. He chooses a
passage from Isaiah, and applies it to himself.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
January 16 - Epiphany 2: the miracle at the wedding in Cana
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. Today we read the story of Jesus' first miracle: turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana, at the
urging of his mother. NOTE: Due to Covid issues among our congregation, this Sunday we will be without music, but we expect to have music, including some singing
(though due to Covid, we are reducing the amount of singing) next Sunday.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
January 9 - Epiphany
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. Today we hear the story of the wise men from the east coming to visit the holy family and bring their gifts of
frankincense, gold, and myyrh.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
January 2 - Second Sunday of Christmas (and ninth day of Christmas)
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. Today we celebrate Communion, so please prepare some bread and wine/juice to join our
siblings around the world in celebrating Jesus' table of friendship and love.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here (please note that until we start the livestream, this window will show an error - that's okay. Nothing wrong
with your system. This window will begin to show the video automatically once we begin the livestream, but depending on your browser and/or computer,
you may need to reload this page to get the video to play.)
December 26 - First Sunday of Christmas (and second day of Christmas)
No in-person worship this morning - a group of Plymouth people got together and recorded this worship service.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. Includes a special video by John, playing all five parts of an arrangement he wrote.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
December 24, 6:00 PM - Christmas Eve - the Light of the World, the Messiah, the Prince of Peace
Tonight at 6:00 PM is our Christmas Eve service of Lessons and Carols to welcome the baby Jesus into the world! We have many favorite Christmas Carols, and much special and lovely music
from our soloists and instrumentalists.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
December 19 - Fourth Sunday of Advent: Love
As we read through the birth narrative of Luke and Matthew throughout Advent,
we are reading this morning Gabriel coming to Joseph to tell him that Mary's baby
has come from the Holy Spirit, and that he should marry her. We light the fourth candle of the Advent Wreath, the Candle of Love, and have some special music by John.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
December 12 - Third Sunday of Advent: Joy
As we read through the birth narrative of Luke and Matthew throughout Advent, we are reading this morning Mary's Magnificat, her prayer
of protest against the powers of the world soon to be overturned by the son she will carry.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
December 5 - Second Sunday of Advent: Peace
As we read through the birth narrative of Luke and Matthew throughout Advent, we are reading this morning the story of Elizabeth and Zechariah, the parents of John the Baptist. Gabriel comes to Zechariah to deliver the news that he and Elizabeth
will be parents of a very important person. Then Elizabeth's cousin Mary comes to visit them after Gabriel tells Mary that she will also have a very important son.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
November 28 - First Sunday of Advent: Hope
This morning, we begin our journey through Advent, the time of preparation before Christmas and Jesus' birth. Our Advent theme this year is "Make us a stable" -
as Mary and Joseph came to the inn, there was no room, but the quick-thinking and compassionate inn-keeper let them stay in the stable so that they would be
protected - and that's where Mary gave birth, putting Jesus in a manger (which is a food trough!). This Advent, we pray that God will make us a stable, that we
will have room in our hearts for Jesus, which means having room in our hearts for other people, since we are all Jesus' image.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
November 21 - Reign of Christ Sunday
This morning, we celebrate the last Sunday of the liturgical year, which has traditionally been Reign of Christ (or Christ the King) Sunday,
a day to remind ourselves that Jesus has dominion over all - and a look toward a future when God's realm will be fully realized. It also serves as a lead-in
to the season of Advent (the beginning of the church year, which starts next Sunday) and preparation for Jesus' birth. A liturgical cycle that circles from birth,
to death and resurrection, and the coming fulfilment of God's realm. We also will have a song from Lorin that he composed and will sing during worship.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
November 14 - 25th Sunday of Pentecost
This morning, we read from Mark's Gospel about where to focus our attention and our energies.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
November 7 - All Saint's Sunday
This morning, we are remember the saints of the church, especially those members of Plymouth who have died in the past year. We will also celebrate Communion,
sitting around Christ's table with all the saints past, present, and future.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
October 31 - All Hallows Eve
This morning, we are celebrating All Hallows Eve, a traditional service for Halloween night (which is All Hallows Eve), the night before All Souls Day,
when we remember those who have died. This is a traditional Anglican worship service of Bible readings that are kind of "spooky", but are also
about life, death, and resurrection, which is the theme of All Souls Day. Wearing costumes to this worship service is appropriate and welcome! (though
definitely not mondatory).
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
October 24 - 22nd Sunday of Pentecost
This morning, our gospel is from Mark.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
October 17 - 21st Sunday of Pentecost
This morning, our gospel is from Mark.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
October 10 - 20th Sunday of Pentecost
This morning, our gospel is from Mark 10:17-21. Special guest preacher Rev. Mike Wolfe, member
of Plymouth and chaplain at Mayo Hospital.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
October 3 - World Communion Sunday
This morning, our gospel is from Mark 10:2–16 in which Jesus tells us that we must
receive God's realm as little children. We will also celebrate Communion - and it is World Communion Sunday, so we will be sharing Communion with churches all over the world in a symbolic act that
though we are many different traditions, we are still united in Jesus, and we all share a table.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
September 19 - Seventeenth Sunday of Pentecost
This morning, we read from Mark 9 as Jesus disciple's argue about which of them is the greatest.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
September 26 - New Member Sunday!
This morning, we welcome five new members to our church family! Our gospel is from Mark 9:38-50 in which Jesus offers
many teachings in a short period of time, including "Whoever is not against us is for us", warnings about putting stumbling blocks in front of
children, and some extreme ethics.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
September 12 - Sixteenth Sunday of Pentecost
This morning, we read from Mark 8 as Jesus tells us that any who would be his follower must take up their crosses and follow him.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
September 5 - Fifteenth Sunday of Pentecost
Worship with Communion, in which we read from Mark 7 the story of Jesus' confrontration with a syrophoenician woman (a gentile) who challenges
Jesus and gets him to change his mind about inclusion.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. You may also wish to prepare some bread and wine/juice/water to join for Communion.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
August 29 - Fourteenth Sunday of Pentecost
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here (please note that until we start the livestream, this window will show an error - that's okay. Nothing wrong
with your system. This window will begin to show the video automatically once we begin the livestream, but depending on your browser and/or computer,
you may need to reload this page to get the video to play.)
August 22 - Thirteenth Sunday of Pentecost
We finish up reading chatper 6 of John's Gospel and exploring Jesus' self-identification as the Bread of Life.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
August 15 - Twelfth Sunday of Pentecost
We've entered chapter 6 of John's Gospel and one of Jesus' "I am" statements: I am the Bread of Life.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
August 8 - Eleventh Sunday of Pentecost
We've entered chapter 6 of John's Gospel and one of Jesus' "I am" statements: I am the Bread of Life. We also read a story of the prophet Elijah and a special gift that God offers him.
We also celebrate Commuion today.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
July 25 - Ninth Sunday of Pentecost
After a few months in Mark's Gospel, this Sunday we move to John for the feeding of the 5000 - after a small boy offers some loaves and fishes,
a crowd of 5000 are fed with baskets of food leftover. When have you turned a little into a lot? When in your life has God turned a little into a lot for you?
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
July 18 - Eighth Sunday of Pentecost
Worship begins at 10:30 with our prelude, Prelude in C from “Well Tempered Clavichord” by J.S. Bach. This Sunday, we read from Mark's Gospel, as Jesus' disciples return
from their journeys to preach and teach, and Jesus offers healing to many people.
Please download this morning's worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here:
July 11 - Seventh Sunday of Pentecost
In this morning's Gospel lesson we read about the execution of John the Baptist. Annie Bailey also will sing a solo, and we will celebrate Communion.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
July 4 - Sixth Sunday of Pentecost
In this morning's scripture lesson we read about Jesus preaching in his hometown synagogue, getting in trouble, and then sending out his disciples two by two.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
June 30 - Jim Welk Funeral Service
Please download the funeral bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
(please note that until we start the livestream, this window will show an error - that's okay. Nothing wrong with your system. This window will begin to show the video automatically once we begin the livestream.)
June 27 - Fifth Sunday of Pentecost
In this morning's scripture lesson we read about
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
June 20 - Fourth Sunday of Pentecost
In this morning's scripture lesson we read about
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
June 13 - Third Sunday of Pentecost
In this morning's scripture lesson we read about
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
June 6 - Second Sunday of Pentecost
In this morning's scripture lesson we read about Jesus being accused of having demons or being on the side on Beelzebul. Hear how he responds to such
audacious claims!
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
May 30 - Second Sunday of Pentecost (Trinity Sunday)
In this morning's scripture lesson we read about the Pharisee Nicodemus coming to Jesus in the dark of night to ask him some questions, after Jesus has overthrown the tables of the money changers at the temple.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
May 23 - Pentecost!
Today is the birthday of the church - the day of Pentecost!
In this morning's scripture lesson we read the story of what happened on the first Pentecost after Jesus ascended into heaven after his resurrection.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Watch the livestream on our Facebook page, or watch it here:
Worship Services
May 16 - Seventh Sunday of Easter
Christ is risen!
In this morning's Gospel lesson, Jesus offers a final prayer for his disciples - and for us.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Join the recording on our Facebook page or here.
May 9 - Sixth Sunday of Easter
Christ is risen!
In this morning's Gospel lesson, Jesus offers his final command to his disciples - and to us - to love one another, for that is the path to joy,
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Watch the livestream on our Facebook page, or watch it here:
May 2 - Fifth Sunday of Easter
Christ is risen!
In this morning's Gospel lesson, Jesus declares himself the vine with us as the branches. We have some special music from Lynn and Hannah.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
You can join us for worship on our
Facebook page.
April 25 - Fourth Sunday of Easter
Christ is risen!
In this morning's Gospel lesson, Jesus declares of himself, "I am the Good Shepherd". We will also read Psalm 23, in which the writer says "The Lord is my shepherd."
What does this shepherd language mean to you? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page if you like.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. We have some special music from Lynn and Hannah.
Our worship service is on Facebook, but you don't need an account to join us. You can watch it here, on our
Facebook page, or watch the embedded here on our website:
April 18 - Third Sunday of Easter
Christ is risen! Our worship service this morning is available on
our Facebook page, and embedded here.
You don't need a Facebook account to watch it.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. We have some special music from Lynn,
read the end of Luke 24 (which is the end of the Gospel), and explore what it means to share with one another our faith experiences and wisdom in community.
April 11 - Second Sunday of Easter
Christ is risen! Our worship service this morning is available on
our Facebook page, and embedded here:
You don't need a Facebook account to watch it.
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. We have the Plymouth brass today, and some special music from Lynn.
We read John 20:19-31, and explore what it means that Thomas was willing to change his mind about what he would believe.
April 4 - Easter Sunday
Christ is risen! Our worship service for this special morning is available on
our Facebook page, and embedded here:
Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music. We have the Plymouth brass, and numerous vocal solos, including a
section from Handel's Messiah, "I Know that My Redeemer Liveth". We will also share in Communion.
March 28 - Palm/Passion Sunday (sixth Sunday of Lent)
We join Jesus in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the beginning of his last week, a week known as Holy Week.
Then we move to retelling his passsion story with the help of some of our wonderful actors in the congregation, as we begin our own Holy Week.
Our worship service for this morning will be available on our Facebook page
by 7:00 A.M. on March 28. Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Thursday night this week is Maundy Thursday (April 1). Our Maundy Thursday service for that night will be available on our Facebook page starting some time that afternoon.
We have not planned anything special for Good Friday, though we will do a repost of the passion narrative on Friday morning.
Easter worship will be available by early Easter morning, and will feature music from the Plymouth Brass and special guest vocalists!
March 21 - Fifth Sunday of Lent
The fifth Sunday of Lent. We look at chapter 12 of John, in which Jesus has just arrived in Jerusalem for his last week, and tells his disciples again
of his coming death and raising up.
Our worship service for this morning will be available on our Facebook page
by 7:00 A.M. on March 21. Please download the worship bulletin so
that you may follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Please note that our church's YouTube Channel no longer exists, so we will be posting worship and vesper videos on our Facebook page.
March 14 - Fourth Sunday of Lent
The fourth Sunday of Lent. We look at chapter 3 of John, "For God so loved the world."
Our worship service for this morning is available on our Facebook page.
The worship bulletin may be downloaded
from our website - please download it so that you can follow along with the responsive prayers and the music.
Please note that
our church's YouTube Channel no longer exists, so we will be posting worship and vesper videos to our Facebook page for the time being. This also means that all
our previous worship services that were on the YouTube channel are no longer available.
For Vespers before July 21, 2020, and March 11-14, 2021:
Go to Pastor David's YouTube channel.
(this will open a new window/tab). Vespers after March 15 are on our Facebook page.
 Our first worship service!
Jesus said to feed the hungry...
...so we feed the hungry
 Quilters' first gathering in new building!
 Lynn at the new piano
Jesus said to welcome all people...
...so we welcome all people
 Moving Day
 Moving Day
Jesus said “Follow me and love your neighbor!”...
...so we follow by loving our neighbors
 Outside cross at night
Join us in our mission to make the world a more loving place!
Our podcast:
Plymouth United Church of Christ
Rev. David J. Huber, Pastor
2010 Moholt Drive
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 54703
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